
The Activity screen allows you to easily see who is connected to the server, whether through iNet or a telephony port.


When a user is connected to the system through a telephony station or standard telephone, they will be listed on the telephony port they are logged on. The user's User Name and User ID, will be shown. If they currently are dictating a job or transcribing one, it's Job #, Subject, WT (worktype), and Dept (department) fields will be populated. In addition, the Idle Time column counts down from when the last command from the user was received.


When a user is connected to the system with iNet, they will be listed until they disconnect. The user's User Name and User ID, will be shown. If they currently have a dictation open, it's Job #, Subject, WT (worktype), and Dept (department) fields will be populated. In addition, the Idle Time column counts down from when the last command from iNet was received.